Well, we did go to Brixham spinning this afternoon. The weather was lovely, blue skies and golden sunshine.
Brixham looked pretty in the sunshine, the little pastel coloured houses set against the hills, and the harbour full of gleaming white yachts.
We were heading for the breakwater, which is about half a mile long, and a favourite place to fish
there were some lovely clumps of Samphire growing amongst the rocks on the breakwater
we evenually found a nice little spot, with plenty of room to fish, and picnic..
we had nice views from our platform across the harbour..
we hadnt been there long, when the water started to `boil` in different places in the harbour with mackerel shoaling to feed, it was incredible to watch, as they chased the sand eels all around. It happened on and off all afternoon.
I got my spinning rod out, and Pete refreshed my memory on the finer points of using it lol..and ta dah....I caught this lovely little mackerel, he was the most lovely greeny colour, and after admiring him, he was gently put back to swim another day!
Pete did some spinning as well as float fishing. He caught a couple of mackerels....
and this rather nice little fellow...a rockling..he went back in too..
It was a lovely spot, so peaceful....I sat on the steps and cooled my toes in the water..
sitting down so close to the water I had a lovely view down the breakwater, with weedy ropes disappearing into the crystal clear water, where I could see another world of seaweed forests, and little tiny fish darting about...
Right at the end of the breakwater, I could see the little white lighthouse...
and beside the steps little rafts of bladderwrack gently floated..
at the end of the afternoon, we had a bit of competition...this cheeky cormorant, who busily dived infront of us and came up with a fish....glad I didnt catch him when I was spinning!
Thank you for the lovely adventure today. I loved the pictures. The water always reminds me of my grandmother. We would take long walks along the waterfront while visiting before she passed. Great memories.
What a beautiful day, and some lovely shots too. Glad you cooled your tootsies off in the water! x
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