Sunday 19 October 2008

Today has been a cloudy, moody sort of day, the wind has blown fitfully all day, lifting the leaves and whirling them in the air. When I nipped into town this morning, the moor looked dark, and lowering, from the end of the road, with banks of dark cloud hugging Haytor.
So I spent the rest of the day holed up in the house, doing `comfy` things, like this...

and I made the first soup of the year, its certainly the weather for it

I made vegetable, and my favourite Butternut Squash and red pepper, it has a lovely mellow taste, and is this gorgeous colour.... heres the receipe..

Butternut squash
Red pepper
Sunflower oil

Peel, and deseed the butternut squash, and chop into cubes. Cut the top off the pepper, deseed and chop into chunks. Peel and chop onion. Heat the oil, and gently saute all the ingredients for about five minutes. Add the stock, or water, bring to the boil and simmer for twenty minutes.
Cool slightly, then liquidise to a lovely smooth consistency.

I always make a large batch, so I can freeze it down, today I added a yellow pepper as I had a spare one in the fridge, and its sweet like the red, so worked well with the squash.

Hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

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