Tuesday 28 April 2009

New Bridge

Today, we were lucky enough to wake to a lovely sunny day, although there was a distinct nip in the air. We decided to get out early before the bad weather arrived, so headed up to New Bridge a wooded area on Dartmoor. You cross this lovely old pack horse bridge to reach the car park.

We followed the river dart, which was rushing and gurgling over the boulders after yesterdays heavy rain, through the pretty woodland, with the sound of thrush and blackbirds fluting from the tree tops

On one side was this lovely lake covered with pretty flowers, which had the most gorgeous perfume..

there was a Grey Wagtail flitting about on the leaves, probably had a nest nearby. In one corner was a lovely clump of yellow flag irises

We carried on down the path, past little patches of Lords and Ladies

and starry carpets of celandines

there were interesting holes to be investigated

In a nearby field, two lovely ponies were waking to another day

their field was surrounded by a lovely old wall, with mossy coated stones

and in the corner a magical tree...

scattered beneath the dainty wood sorrel

the path gradually drifting away from the river, and ran between stony walls where stitchwort grew..

and there were nice views across the fields to the lovely houses nestling amongst the trees

Evenually we reached a clearing where some lovely Beech spread their magnificent branches

and we caught up with the river again, which run in icy peaty brown coolness, down and round and over the stones..

It must have been an enchanted clearing..because there were dancing trees

and the whortleberries were covered in berries like rubies

and the celandines would only grow in the crook of the silver birch

evenually the path got narrower and narrower, till it petered out, and there was just rocks to scramble over...someone had thrown a bridge over the river to cross for better access, but some how I didnt fancy using it.....

so we headed back, noting the tree stump studded with bracket fungi, like white dinner plates

and the lovely patch of wild strawberries beside the path, you`d only need a very tiny basket to PYO when they`re ripe!

As we were walking, we could hear the throbbing of a helicopter in the distance, `Chinook`says Pete in a knowledgably way (as they do) it certainly sounded big, but we couldnt see it, it gradually got louder, and suddenly appeared roaring over the tree tops...

I just managed to get my camera out in time, and take this picture, it was a Chinook, you can just see the rotor blades, amazing, its probably from Okehampton wheres theres an army camp, it may have been on some sort of excercise. Well it was certainly an interesting walk, filled with the unexpected, and lots of charming things too.


Anonymous said...


What a lovely walk with beautiful pictures! Thanks for sharing :)


JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

I loved the magical tree and the dancing trees - looks like they were having a good time. Thanks for the lovely walk.