Saturday 14 February 2009


We visited Dartington this afternoon, it was very cold, but lovely and peaceful, with the sound of birdsong everywhere, especially robins..
This was thought to be where they used to Joust in past times..
There were lovely carpets of snowdrops..
And silent little buddhas
The views across the gardens are beautiful..
The windy path led us to this stunning burst of colour from the Wych Hazels, the yellow contrasting so beautifully with the old dark stone walls..
I thought these trees looked as though they had been dancing, waving their branches about..
And at their feet, tiny splashes of aconites..
And in repose, this lovely statue by Henry Moore comtemplated the view
Above in the tree tops Jackdaws called and fretted as they looked for nest sites
Beside the path the little donkey waited for Spring..
and a notice urged us to have a hug
and although it was very tempting, I didnt have my hugging clothes on..
and the robins sang on......what a lovely afternoon..


JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Spectacularly lovely - I felt like I was right there. Thanks for taking us along.

Ramblings From Spain said...

A magical place that I too have visited... do you remember me and Pete climbing in the tree with the black hole? heh heh heh...

I loved the hug statue, and hope you stroked the little donkey, he looked a bit forlorn..

Great pics x